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How To Cure Psychological Malnutrition And Reap Big Benefits In Return

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Business executives are worried about low productivity, low profits, inability to compete, and lack of initiative. We are concerned about how we can get better cooperation from our customers, employees, and family.

How can we get other people to help us win our goals of more joy, happiness, peace of mind, friends, and money?

The answer is in 3 words: “cure psychological malnutrition.” This disease, so widespread it goes almost unnoticed, costs our economy hundreds of billions of cash each year. And most people could easily double or triple their incomes by teaching themselves to feed other people psychological nourishment instead of psychological poison.


To cure psychological malnutrition and reap big benefits in return, it is helpful to understand 3 concepts: the ego, ego food, and ego poison. 

The Ego:

Your ego is your self. It is the most personal, most self-oriented part of your mind. Your ego is your underlying spiritual substance or soul and regulates your mental state and self-esteem. Your ego shapes and modifies your attitude toward yourself and toward other people. Your ego directs your directs your response to every action of other people directed toward you. It is by far the most sensitive part of your psychological and philosophical structure. A broken arm my be healed in weeks; a damaged ego may never be cured. 

Ego Food:

This is mental nourishment that makes you feel better about yourself. It enlarges your sense of self-worth, makes you feel important, useful, and needed. Ego food takes the forms of praise, encouragement, appreciation, and respect. 

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Ego Poison:

This is the direct opposite of ego food. Ego poison consists of comments and actions of others that make you feel self-depreciated, unimportant, useless, “bad,” “stupid,” and “small.”

Now before we look at some specific ways to feed ego food and cure psychological malnutrition, let’s see what general results follow when we feed people ego good and when we feed them ego poison.

  • What happens when we feed ego food? Ego food, sincerely dispensed, helps you make sales, win employee cooperation, gain love and support from people closer to you—in short, succeed.
  • What happens when you feed ego poison? Ego poison, always leads to negative results. Feed ego poison and customers won’t do business with you; employees deliberately goof off, take sick leave, and quit; your mate gets even with you; and your kids rebel.

We know that ego poison is the number-one cause it problems at work, broken friendships, and quarrels. It’s hard to believe, but it is true: Ego poison is the number one cause of physical violence and murder! 

In the work, home, and community environments, people perform second-rate because they are fed ego poison. They are scorned, overlooked, belittled, taunted, or punished. As a result, they defend their egos by acting the role of saboteurs. What people want and what will improve their performance in everything they do is praise, encouragement, rewards, appreciation, and positive reinforcement. 

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December 20, 2023 3:51 PM

Educative… Thanks!

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